Medicaid & MedicareCommunity Catalyst works with state and local partners and people who use Medicare to make the program more responsive and accountable to the people and communities it serves.
Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people over the age of 65, certain people with disabilities who are under 65, and people with end-stage renal disease. Medicare covers health care services such as hospital stays, physician services, office visits, prescription drugs, medical supplies, and preventive care, and is an essential safeguard against financial insecurity as it helps make health care and health insurance more affordable.
50% of seniors had health insurance before Medicare was enacted in 1965. And 35% were living in poverty.
98.5% of seniors have health insurance today.
Community Catalyst works with state and local partners and people who use Medicare to make the program more responsive and accountable to the people and communities it serves. For example, there are a range of important benefits that aren’t covered under Medicare, including: hearing, dental, and vision services. Together with partners, we drive efforts to expand Medicare coverage to include these critical services.
We also help people navigate Medicare’s often confusing benefits, services, costs, and programs, and monitor the resources and information the federal government provides on Medicare to ensure that it does not discriminate against people due to their race, income, immigration status, gender identity, age, or abilities.