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Calling on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to Prohibit Predatory Medical and Dental Credit Cards

Medical debt often hides among credit card balances, loans from family, or payment plans to hospitals and other medical providers.

How Deferred Interest Credit Cards Are Another Medical Debt Trap

Together, We Can End Medical Debt One hundred million adults — 41 percent of adults in the U.S. — hold medical debt in some form. This debt often hides among credit...

CFPB Report on Predatory Medical Credit Cards Underscores Need for Action 

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a report, warning about the dangers of medical credit cards and high-interest loans.

Good News: After July 1, Medical Debt is Taken Off the Credit Reports For Millions of People!

The three largest nationwide credit reporting agencies announced they are changing the way medical debt is reported.

“A Massive Win For People” Community Catalyst Calls for Swift Finalization of CFPB Proposed Rule to Prevent Medical Debt from Impacting Credit Scores

Recent Poll Shows Large Bipartisan Support for Policy, Action Comes After Yearslong Campaign By Community Catalyst and 70+ Cross-Movement Organizations  WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the Biden-Harris administration announced a proposed...

Guide 6: My Unpaid Medical Bill Was Sent to Collection Agency

What happens if I don’t pay my medical bill? If you don’t pay your medical bill, the provider can sue you for payment or sell your debt to a collection...

Community Catalyst, State Advocates & Impacted Community Members Applaud Biden Administration Action on Medical Debt

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, September 21, 2023 CONTACT: Gena Madow, Community Catalyst, State Advocates & Impacted Community Members Applaud Biden Administration Action on Medical Debt Action Comes After Yearslong...

Momentum continues to build towards structural change on medical debt, with increased attention and focus from the Biden administration

Last week, the Biden-Harris administration announced a proposed rule that will prevent all medical debt from impacting credit scores, which affects people regardless of their insurance status. This is a...

The American Health Care Act is a Barrier to Good Health for Moms and Families

As Mother’s Day approaches, children in communities across the country are busy constructing cards and coupons entitled “free hugs” and “will do dishes” while partners place orders for flowers (or...

Health & Economic Justice

Why health & economic justice go hand-in-hand You shouldn’t have to choose between paying the rent or getting a prescription filled — yet for many people, this is a reality....

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