Emily Stewart, Executive Director of Community Catalyst, issued the following statement following the announcement that HHS is expanding access to ACA Marketplace coverage to DACA recipients: 

“We are pleased to add to the chorus of our partners and allies celebrating the Biden administration’s step to expand health coverage to DACA recipients. 

“Allowing DACA recipients access to health coverage via the ACA Marketplaces is an important step in creating a more equitable health care system. We’re grateful for the work of the Protecting Immigrant Families coalition which has coordinated so many organizations to make this progress.  

“While recognizing the gains made in this moment, gaps do remain. DACA recipients are still largely locked out of vital programs like CHIP and Medicaid. And significant barriers to coverage and care remain for undocumented people and people currently locked out of DACA in this country. We will continue to work with PIF and other partners to expand health care coverage to all people, regardless of immigration status.” 

Community Catalyst’s prior comments in support of today’s rule can be found here


About Community Catalyst:  

Community Catalyst is a national organization dedicated to building the power of people to create a health system rooted in race equity and health justice, and a society where health is a right for all. We’re an experienced, trusted partner to organizations across the country, a change agent to policymakers at the local, state, and national level, and both an adversary and a collaborator to health systems in our efforts to advance health justice. We partner with local, state and national organizations and leaders to leverage and build power so that people are at the center of important decisions about health and health care, whether they are made by health care executives, in state houses, or on Capitol Hill. Together with partners, we’re building a powerful, united movement with a shared vision of and strategy for a health system accountable to all people. Learn more at communitycatalyst.org.