“There can be no mistake that this decision is a part of a larger, coordinated effort to take away people’s health, rights, and freedoms.”

Today, in response to the Supreme Court overturning the landmark 40-year-old decision that gave federal agencies regulatory power, known as the Chevron Doctrine, Mona Shah, Senior Director of Policy and Strategy at Community Catalyst, issued the following statement:

“Today’s decision has significant and far-reaching implications for people’s health and the many programs and protections that make the difference for access to basic health care, including cancer screenings and treatment, emergency care, maternal health, gender-affirming care, contraception and abortion. 

“The Court’s ruling represents a significant shift in how our government functions and threatens the ability of federal agencies to carry out their roles to protect the health and economic well-being of people as Congress intended.

“There can be no mistake that this decision is a part of a larger, coordinated effort to take away people’s health, rights, and freedoms. Community Catalyst and our partners will continue our work to push for the laws and policies that beat back these efforts and advance a health system rooted in race equity and health justice.”