(BOSTON, MA) – “Community Catalyst congratulates the 60 courageous Senators who today voted to bring the country one step closer to quality affordable health care for millions of Americans. As a national advocacy organization working in more than 40 states to ensure consumers have a strong voice in the health reform debate, we are deeply grateful to our elected officials who responded to American’s call for change in our health care system. Our Senators who voted “yes” to advance health reform legislation recognize the moral and economic imperative of providing health security for the millions of Americans who lack it. We look forward to a final Senate vote, which will bring meaningful reform to our broken health care system and great relief to the millions of Americans who have suffered far too long with inadequate, costly health care.”

About Community Catalyst
Community Catalyst is a national non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to quality affordable health care for all.  Since 1997, Community Catalyst has been working to build the consumer and community leadership required to transform the American health system.  With the belief that this transformation will happen when consumers are fully engaged and have an organized voice, Community Catalyst works in partnership with national, state and local consumer organizations, policymakers, and foundations, providing leadership and support to change the health care system so it serves everyone – especially vulnerable members of society.  For more information, visit www.communitycatalyst.org.
