Focus on Population Health May be Path to Future Profitability for Health Systems

A recent HealthLeaders Media article reports on hospitals and large health systems that are seeing falling profits as providers shift from payment systems that reward volume to those that reward value. However, some analysts believe that after providers make the up-front investments needed to improve health outcomes and care coordination, they can begin to focus on improving population health, which could once again improve profits.

Results of PCMH Quality Study Show Promising but Modest Results

A National Committee for Quality Assurance blog post reports on the results of a study of how Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs) in New York State performed on a set of quality metrics finding definite but modest improvement. Of the eight quality measures reviewed there were statistically significant improvements on two measures, and the PCMHs outperformed the control group practices on two additional measures. These results are encouraging, but PCMHs must eventually show more significant results if they are to demonstrate that they can significantly improve health outcomes.

Innovative Model Allows Veterans to Receive Care in a Home Setting

The Eldercare Workforce Alliance, a Community Catalyst partner, has published a blog post about an innovative health care program for elderly veterans and veterans who need around-the-clock care. The Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Foster Home program provides veterans with a means of receiving care in a home setting. In this model, the veteran lives in the home with the caregiver, who is also supported by a home based care team that includes a variety of practitioners depending on the veteran’s needs. The veteran’s VA benefits cover the cost of care and in the meantime the veteran becomes part of the family.