A coalition of Wisconsin organizations led by the Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups has convened to continue work it began last year to improve prescribing and the quality of care delivered in the state. 

The coalition has cooperated with the chairpersons of four Senate and Assembly committees overseeing health care issues to organize a joint hearing on prescription drugs. The hearing, scheduled for the week of April 19th, will provide an opportunity for local organizations and national experts to communicate concerns regarding the pharmaceutical industry’s influence on prescribing decisions, as well as the availability of unbiased resources on treatment therapies for health care practitioners.  An academic detailing bill developed last year will likely be filed, and there may be interest in other legislation, including disclosure of gifts to providers and limiting data mining of prescriber records.
The groups most engaged in coalition efforts this year are AARP, Wisconsin AFL-CIO, the Wisconsin Alliance of Retired Americans, the Milwaukee County Committee on Aging, the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association, Wisconsin Citizen Action, the League of Women Voters, and the Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations.  The coalition continues to explore cooperation with additional organizations.