A whole lot of bloggers have taken on last week’s ghostwriting study in JAMA. Here are a few of our faves:
National Physician’s Alliance, the RxP partner group of physicians to which JAMA author Joseph Ross belongs, has this analysis of the latest chapter in the Vioxx saga.
Here’s NPA member Howard Brody’s take at the Hooked blog.
And in other blogs:
Daniel Carlat at the Carlat Psychiatry Blog compares the Pentagon’s use of thought-leaders (in this exhaustive New York Times investigative report) with Pharma’s strategy to push its message through ‘hired gun’ physicians.
Researcher and watchdog Aubrey Blumsohn has built a Scientific Misconduct Wiki to pair with his Scientific Misconduct blog. Blumsohn writes:
Hopefully this will form the seed of a peer reviewed online journal devoted to Scientific Integrity. For the moment, it will serve as a non-collaborative repository for reports and academic analysis of the integrity scandal involving Procter and Gamble and the drug Actonel (including the serious implications of the failed but rather sad attempts at coverup and delay by ‘regulators.’”
And here’s a real time example of a university enforcing its policy of financial disclosure for physicians. Pharmagossip and Pharmalot posted on a story in The Cincinnati Enquirer that the University of Cincinnati has a closer eye on psychiatry professor Melissa Delbello these days after big discrepancies in the size of her paycheck from AstraZeneca came to light. The letter from Sen. Grassley probably helped things along, but it’s good to see an academic medical center acting on its conflict of interest policies.