Welcome to the Health Policy Hub!
Today, Community Catalyst proudly launches our new blog, Health Policy Hub. While the word “policy” may sound a bit wonky to some, we hope to hit the wonk-life balance by providing interesting commentary on all things health care without coming off like policy geeks who spend our lunch hours ruminating over subtitle c of section 101(B) of Title I of the Acts of…Obviously, no one here does that.
We’ll bring you the insights, expertise and opinions of our Community Catalyst colleagues who have years of experience (we won’t say how many) and numerous successes working to improve health care at the local, state and national level. They’ve been on the ground organizing grass roots advocacy groups, at the table negotiating with insurers, hospitals and policymakers, and on their Blackberries working around the clock to ensure consumer interests are represented in our health care system. We’ll look at many issues – from health care reform to children’s health to making our hospitals more accountable to the communities they serve – through a consumer lens. We’ll also check in with our state and national partners on their efforts to make health care better, accessible and affordable.
Like any blog, Health Policy Hub’s success hinges on our ability to keep content fresh and interesting. We will work hard to make that happen. But we also need you readers to help out with the interesting part – sharing what you’ve heard and letting us know what you think. We welcome your comments, and hope this is the start of a lively and thought-provoking conversation.