Yet another reason not to buy Nexium
We’ve been harping on Nexium for several years now. AstraZeneca’s (NYSE:AZN) supposed “healing purple pill” is nothing more than a dressed-up version of its previous blockbuster gastric reflux drug, Prilosec. We gave Nexium a Bitter Pill Award in 2005, the The Least Extreme Makeover Award: For Dressing Up an Old Drug with a New Name and a New Price Tag. Our members have been involved in several class action lawsuits alleging the Astra Zeneca deceptively marketed Nexium as an improvement over Prilosec, when in fact it is clinically no different. (As we’re fond of saying, the only difference between Nexium and Prilosec is that Nexium has yellow stripes and costs seven times as much).
We’ve always marveled at why Nexium is as successful as it is when Prilosec is available Over-the-Counter at a fraction of the price. The answer, of course is simple: Marketing. As we’ve written (see, for example “Top 3 Bestselling Drugs spent $460.5 Million on Ads in 2006”), Nexium owes its $4.3 billion in 2006 annual sales to the $176 million that Astra Zeneca spent that year on ads like this:
Now there’s even less of a reason for people to use Nexium instead of cheaper alternatives, including Over-the-Counter Prilosec. reports that Dexcel Pharma Technologies will soon begin selling a generic version of Over-the-Counter (OTC) Prilosec. Astra Zeneca sued Dexcel to prevent it from selling generic OTC Prilosec, but has settled that lawsuit with Dexcel.
Most people think of generics when they think about prescription drugs, not Over-the-Counter ones. But drug companies frequently get FDA permission to stop generic competitors for 3 years when a drug first becomes available over-the-counter. This is why up til now, you haven’t seen, for instance CVS or Walgreen store brand Prilosec.
Dexcel says that OTC Prilosec should be available by the end of March 2008. The competition between Astra Zeneca’s Prilosec and Dexcel’s generic version should drive the price down. This is yet another reason consumers don’t need to pay through the nose for prescription-only Nexium.
But even before you reach for that cheaper box of OTC Prilosec, you should consider whether even less expensive alternatives will do the trick — such as Tums, Zantac, Pepcid, and other over-the-counter heartburn drugs. Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs has a report on heartburn medicines, and it says, in part:
If you suffer from only occasional heartburn and have not been diagnosed with GERD [gastric reflux disease], nonprescription antacids such as Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids, and Tums, or acid–reducing drugs such as cimetidine (Tagamet), famotidine (Pepcid), nizatidine (Axid), and ranitidine (Zantac) will very likely provide relief.Talk with your doctor about the role that dietary and lifestyle changes can play in alleviating heartburn, too – such as eating smaller meals, weight loss, and avoiding alcohol.