Caring for Others Without Care for Herself: Pam’s Story
Pam Brown is a home health care aide, mother, and grandmother from Kansas who spends her work hours taking care of people with health needs so they can thrive in their homes. Her work is critical for her community and those she cares for, but she is not offered insurance through her job. She doesn’t make enough money to qualify for insurance through the ACA and she makes too much to qualify for Medicaid in Kansas. Pam, like so many other direct care workers, is trapped in a coverage gap because her state lawmakers refuse to expand Medicaid.
Pam has health issues of her own which prevent her from working more hours in her job. She struggles to pay the medical bills that come daily and owes thousands in medical debt. She fears finding herself in more medical debt so she skips buying her prescribed medications and getting care that her doctor recommends.
“[Having health insurance] would take away the fear that my bank account may be garnished. It could make my life a little bit more than just an existence.”
Pam wants to work more hours as a home health care aide to help more families and individuals, but she needs to be healthier to do so. She’s joining the health justice movement and using her power to push her state leaders to expand Medicaid so that she can care for herself before she cares for others.