It’s time to vote for change. Together, we can end medical debt.

We have a medical debt crisis in this country. It is a crisis that impacts more than 100 million people in the United States – that’s 4 in 10 adults. And we need policymakers who will tackle the crisis with the urgency that is needed. The #MedicalDebtVoter campaign will keep the voices of those impacted front and center and demand action from our elected leaders. 

Medical debt shouldn’t dictate our lives. Let’s vote for a future where everyone has access to the care they need, without the crushing weight of debt.

We need bold policies that address the root causes of medical debt and protect our financial futures. This includes: 

  • Credit Reform: End the practice of using medical debt as a measure of creditworthiness, so that unexpected health emergencies don’t destroy lives and futures. 
  • Debt Protection: Ban the marketing of predatory deferred interest credit cards in health care settings, so that seeking care doesn’t trap people in an endless cycle of debt. 
  • Community Investment: Ensure that non-profit hospitals are providing adequate charity care and truly investing in the communities they serve. 
  • Empowering Voices: Give communities a meaningful role in deciding how health care resources are allocated, ensuring that investments are made in programs and services that are driven by communities and address the real needs of the people. 

This election, your vote can help change the system. Join the #MedicalDebtVoter movement and make your voice heard for health justice.  

A large group of community members and advocates hold signs and pose in front of the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 13: Health advocates and community members gather in Washington D.C. to push the Biden administration to take additional action on medical debt in an event hosted by Community Catalyst, a national organization fighting for race equality and health justice on September 13, 2023 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images for Community Catalyst)

Meet the advocates

People across the country are speaking up and making their voices heard:

If you’ve faced the burden of medical debt, your vote is your power. Let’s elect leaders who will prioritize health justice. Join the movement today! 🗳️ #VoteForHealth #EndMedicalDebt 


of voters support removing medical debt from credit reports


feel more favorable towards a policymaker that supports these efforts

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Health Justice is Economic Justice

New polling by Community Catalyst and HIT Strategies reveals strong bipartisan voter support for policies that tackle medical debt. The people have spoken — the connection between health care affordability and people’s overall health and economic well-being is clear.

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