Shortcomings in the long-term services and supports (LTSS) system for older adults and persons with disabilities in Massachusetts – and around the country – have led to widespread discontent. Older adults and their family caregivers have the most to both gain and lose in any major system change making it critical that their voices be at the forefront of discussions regarding long-term care policy reform. This means making sure that the goals and preferences of these individuals are known, considered, and reflected in the policy choices that are offered at the state and federal level.

Portrait of Francine, a dually eligible individual

The following study aims to bring the voices of older adults and caregivers to the forefront of policy discussions around LTSS reform. Documenting the views of older adults and caregivers around policy options for reform is a critical first step towards the goal of ensuring the system better serves these individuals and is responsive to their needs.

In partnership with the LeadingAge LTSS Center at UMass Boston and the Massachusetts Senior Action Council, Community Catalyst set out to accomplish the following:

  • To elevate the voices of Massachusetts older adults and family caregivers through ongoing conversations about improving the LTSS system and incorporate their ideas and feedback to help shape decisions about system reform.
  • To learn from, complement, and inform other state and national efforts to improve the LTSS system.
  • To underscore the importance of meaningful community engagement in delivery system reform and other health innovations.